quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Release Notes v1.0.0.104

PVP.net v1.22.13
  • Users will now be placed back into the matchmaking queue in the exact state they were prior to a queue dodge occurring, which should result in faster matches after having a game dissolved
  • Optimized the general and background performance of PVP.net
  • Fixed a bug where the reconnect to chat button would not appear if a user logged in while chat was down

League of Legends v1.0.0.104

LeBlanc, the Deceiver
  • Sigil of Silence: LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of Leblanc's abilities, the mark will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target.
  • Distortion: LeBlanc rapidly moves to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 3 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.
  • Ethereal Chains: LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their movement speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.
  • Mimic (Ultimate): LeBlanc can cast the previous spell she cast. The mimicked spell deals significantly increased damage. 30 second cooldown.
  • Mirror Image (Passive): When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds. This can only occur once per minute.

  • The time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects. The time to gain the next charge does not progress while Akali is at maximum charges

  • Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0

  • Valkyrie range increased to 800 from 700
  • Valkyrie base speed increased to 650 from 500
  • Missile Barrage
    • Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of Corki's total attack damage in addition to ability power
    • Updated the tooltip to reflect that a Big One deals twice as much damage as a normal missile
    • The time to store a missile is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects
    • The time to store the next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles
    • Corki respawns with 4 missiles

Dr. Mundo
  • Magic resistance per level increased to 0.75 from 0.5

  • Essence Flux attack speed increase changed to be additive rather than multiplicative
  • Essence Flux cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds
  • Trueshot Barrage ability power ratio increased to 0.9 from 0.8

  • Dark Wind cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14
  • Drain
    • Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160
    • Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10
    • Ability power ratio increased to 0.48 per second from 0.4
    • Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6

  • Empower now properly procs Rylai's Scepter

  • Bouncing Blade cooldown reduced to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
  • Killer Instinct cooldown reduced to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14

  • Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings
  • Updated Recommended Items
  • Finales Funkeln ability power ratio increased to .85 from .75

  • Fixed a bug where the Unstoppable Force wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.
  • Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0

Miss Fortune
  • Ricochet Shot damage dealt to the secondary target reduced to 115% from 120%.
  • Make It Rain slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds

  • Mace of Spades
    • Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 20/40/60/80/100
    • Now scales off of only bonus damage rather than all damage
    • Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only hits 1 target
    • Health cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
    • The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
  • Creeping Death
    • Base damage increased to 24/38/52/66/80 from 16/32/48/64/80
    • Ability power ratio increased to 0.2 from 0.15
    • Increased missile travel speed when casting Creeping Death on an ally
  • Siphon of Destruction
    • Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
    • Ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
    • Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5 from 6/9/12/15/18
  • Children of the Grave
    • Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration up from 24/28/32%
    • Now deals half damage to the target initially and half damage over time
    • Duration increased to 10 seconds from 8
    • Total ability power ratio over the duration increased to 0.04 from 0.016
    • Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
    • Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, reduced from 25%
    • Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, reduced from 25%
  • Children of the Grave Pet
    • The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power and damage at all 3 ranks and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's total ability power
    • Pet health bonus reduced to 15% from 50%
    • Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors
  • Iron Man
    • Shield generation increased to 30% from 25%
    • Fixed a tooltip bug
  • General
    • Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
    • Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
    • Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
    • Reworded/simplified several tooltips

  • Defensive Ball Curl damage return reduced to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50
  • Fixed a bug with Defensive Ball Curl where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return

  • Boomerang Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage
  • Boomerang Blade base damage reduced to 20/70/120/170/220 from 60/115/170/225/280
  • Health per level increased to 82 from 76

  • Fixed a bug with Song of Celerity where it was granting more movement speed than intended
  • Crescendo cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120

  • Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25
  • Noxious Traps now show their remaining duration when selected

  • Ambush attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%

  • Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their Tiger Stance damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)

  • Trinity Force
    • Damage increased to 30 from 20
    • Attack Speed increased to 30% from 25%
    • Critical Strike increased to 15% from 12%
    • Mana reduced to 250 from 300
    • Health reduced to 250 from 300

Summoner Spells
  • Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind and can now be removed by Cleanse

  • Fixed a bug where Chosen Master Yi's sword was missing a glow

  • Fixed Lux's "Choose Me" line in Champion Select




















Source: counterlogic



terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

Lux, The Lady of Luminosity


(Passive) Illumination:Lux�s damaging spells illuminate the target for 6 seconds. Lux�s next attack ignites the debuff, dealing 20-180 (depending Lux�s level) magic damage to the target.

(Q)Light Binding � Lux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage(80/135/190/245/300(+AP*0.75)) to up to two enemy units, dealing 50% effect to the 2nd unit struck.
Cooldown 15/14.5/14/13.5/13
Manacost 60/75/90/105/120
Range 100

(W)Prismatic Wave � Fires a Prismatic Wave that bends the light around any friendly target it touches, stealthing them for 3 seconds. In addition, Lux gains passive cooldown reduction(3/6/9/12/15%).
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Manacost 100/100/100/100/100
Range 1000

(E)Lucent Singularity � Fires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows(13/16.5/20/23.5/27%) nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage(60/105/150/195/240(+AP*0.6)) enemies in the area of effect.
Cooldown 21.5/20/18.5/17/15.5
Manacost 100/100/100/100/100
Range 1000

(R) Finales Funkeln � After gathering energy, Lux fires a laser pulse that deals damage(250/350/450(+AP*0.9)) to all targets in the area.
Cooldown 70/60/50
Manacost 100/150/200
Range 3000

��First of all, About her look and style: I enjoy the anime style theme she has going on. I plan on seeing her with Ezreal alot just due to the synergy they have together and the anime style they have

Q: Her white binding: Morganas dark binding but able to hit 2 targets. Fun, Simple. Cool snare skillshot Cooldown is about perfect imo

W: passive cdr and an active ability skillshot wand throw that makes the team+self stealth for 3 seconds? Amazing utility for quick escapes and fun initiations Signiature spell imo Can potentially use it 2 or times in a teamfight with max cdreduc

E: Skillshot aoe light orb that when reaches its destination slows all targets in radius and can be activated to blow up and deal dmg. I feel that this ability is cool and is kind of like the gragas barrel but has the added effect of actually being useful while not blowing it up. This is something that gragas needed and they insituted it in lux. Cool ability, A little slow and easy to dodge but will be nice for a slow+aoe in teamfights. Cooldown time is perfect for it

R: Lazer cannon of doom! It�s an ezreal�esque ulti that channels for 1 sec then fires a lazer in a strait line (same radius as ez�s ulti) INSTANTLY dealing 350-550 dmg to everyone in that line. Distance is about 1/6 the distance of the map. So it can potentially get you assists/kills on people @ mid tower from the lizard buff. Great initiator ability for teamfights/Ganks/catching escapers finisher move. Can potentially get you a buff or baron from relative safety and at max lvl/cdr (cdr is easy for her) it is on a 30 second cd

Passive: when a target is dmg�d by an ability of lux, they get a debuff for a short time causing them to take extra dmg on lux�s next auto attack. Cool ability and allows for some great bonus dmg with sheen/lichbane which I feel is necesary on her to get decent dmg in as her cd�s are slightly high. This passive makes up for that tho by giving her an extra attack/dmg ability along with her normal set of abilities

Overall: IMO balanced, Not OP, Not UP. Has decent aoe, A good amount of utility with the aoe slow/double snare/team stealth. Her dmg is fairly underwealming in general but she has a decent little burst. I think she will find teams as a utility mage and people will build her AP/cdr/HP

sexta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2010


Pois é pessoal, parece que este fim-de-semana, a riot vai colocar todos os champions free a partir de dia 9 até dia 10. Esta «prenda» deve-se ao league of legends ter ganho uma votação online para melhor jogo. Por isso se estavam curiosos em experimentar um ou outro champ, já sabem aproveitem, este fim-de-semana.


Informações incluindo 6 Novos Champions

Novo Champion - Depois de Swain vai haver mais um champion femenino que não é a Irelia - Lançamento previsto - 19 de Outubro (US) / 20 de Outubro (EU).
Novo Champion - Aeon - Algo como uma junção de Ezreal e Kassadin. Tem uma passive que lhe aumenta os Stats over time. Uma habilidade que consegue aumentar o attack speed. Nuke / Teleport.
Novo Champion - Um Champion tipo Shadow DPS killer. Ou seja, algo que dá muito dano =p
Novo Champion - Sniper (yah, Sniper, e já está em desenvolvimento). Não vai usar mesmo uma sniper, mas sim uma arma que se enquadra no mundo do League of Legends.
Novo Champion - Um champion que controla a gravidade.
Novo Champion - mais um Champion que veio do The Void (tipo Malzahar), vai ser lançado a meio do próximo ano.
Champions que vão levar um remake nas suas habilidades - Evelynn e Teemo (o Ultimate), em principio já na próxima patch; Jax (mudanças no Ultimate e na Habilidade do W); Twisted Fate; Alistar; Sivir.
Podem existir novas Masteries, mas ainda vai demorar muito tempo.

Evelyn Remake

Passive: Theft of Vitae

On kill/assist, Evelynn heals (100+LV*30) health. 130~640.

Hate Spike
20% spell vamp
Improved AP ratio (.35? from .28)
Now targets two opponents near Evelynn (previously targetted one then bounced to another)
Prioritizes champions
Currently glitched so that if only one opponent is in range, they will be struck twice

Shadow Walk
Stealth 40sec at all levels
Stun 1sec at all levels
10~26% improved movespeed while stealthed and for 4 seconds after
Reduced stealth delay to 1.25 from 1.5
Stealth bug still not fixed (loses stealth on animation start instead of on hit like all other stealth champions)

Incorporates a mini-dash to the target
No longer requires a back-attack to apply debuff
Slight range increase to account for dash. Range isn't high enough to hit people through walls.
"Ravage's AP Ratio was reduced to 0.7" -- Haemorrhage

New Ultimate: Exuding Embrace
AOE skill, affects champions only
Affects instantly, doesn't "persist" I think (looks like a cloud)
ZERO damage (since Shadow Walk applies stuns on damage)
40~60% slow
Blinds all champions in radius
3 (???) second duration on all targets hit
Radius approx 200 units? Pretty small. Smaller than the graphic/aoe circle anyways.